Platinium Pro

$ 100

ToWardsSky is one of the most popular online platforms that pay people to read books aloud. Any books you narrate for this platform can appear on other popular platforms, such as iTunes and Audible. To get started, sign up for an ToWardsSky account.
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Are you a passionate reader who is ready to turn over a new page? Your next chapter could be with WordsRated! Apply to become our Bibliophile-at-large and earn $200 for every book you read.
The amount of money you can make from writing and selling a book varies, but generally, authors can expect to make an advance plus 5-15% royalties from their traditionally published books.
ToWardsSky is one of the most popular online platforms that pay people to read books aloud. Any books you narrate for this platform can appear on other popular platforms, such as iTunes and Audible. To get started, sign up for an ToWardsSky account.


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